I've been on a lucky streak! A couple of weeks ago I was excited
to find out that I was the winner of this awesome book,
courtesy of Create Mixed Media.

I'm anxiously awaiting its arrival. You can watch a video
review of this book here. It looks to be packed full of fun techniques!
But there was still more luck to come! A couple of days ago I won one of these awesome stencils from StencilGirl Products for leaving a comment on Carolyn Dube's blog.
Seth Apter is the stencil designer...love his style!

I do have a favorite stencil but all three are pretty cool.
I can't wait to see which one I get!
I'm not sure if winning two great inspirational items was just pure luck or if the universe was trying to tell me to get back to creating! Either way, I'm feeling pretty happy and am incredibly grateful to
the art world's generosity!