
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Spider - A Charmed Halloween Tutorial

Time for another tutorial in my "Charmed Halloween" series.


Supplies and Tools Needed:

For the Charm:
Black button (shank style) 
28 gauge dark annealed steel wire
Round-nose pliers
Flat-nose pliers
Wire cutters
For the Tag:
Small shipping tag
Brown ink pad (I used Staz-On)
Desired images (I found mine at The Graphics Fairy)
Modge Podge
Paint brush

1. Select a black button with a shank back. I chose one that had a bit of a colored design.

 2. Cut four 1 1/2" long pieces of wire.  Insert them through the shank.

3. Cut an 8" piece of wire. Loosely fold the wire into half and wrap around the shank and wires a couple of times with the tails extending outward in the same direction. Twist the tails together to secure.

4. Continue to tightly twist the tails together.

 5. Make a wrapped loop at the end of the wire. (Find out how to make a wrapped loop here) Use the round-nose pliers to kink the wire.

6. Spread the wires apart to create the legs. Use the very tip of the round-nose pliers to make a tiny loop at the end of each leg.

7. Use the flat-nose pliers to make a bend into each leg.

For the Tag:

Remove the string from the mailing tag. Use Modge Podge to glue an image collage to one side of it. Let dry. Repeat for the other side. Once dried, rub with brown ink to age the images. Use the string to tie the charm onto the tag.

Front of Tag

Back of Tag


I hope you enjoyed this tutorial.

Be sure to return in a couple of days for the last tutorial
in my "Charmed Halloween" series!

 More tutorials from the Charmed Halloween series:

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. This is my favorite of your "charmed" series mainly because I have all of the ingredients. And it is so cute!

  2. So cute! The other day Hyrum was taking a shower and suddenly realized there was a spider in the shower with him. He was not happy! He doesn't like spiders, although, this charmed spider is not too threatening!

  3. I'm bookmarking this one. my BFF Loved your spider charm so much she wants to make one of her own!

    Love your Scissorhands costume. Years ago I went as Edwards Scissorhands too. but my hands weren't anything compared to yours!!! Great minds!!!!
    hugs Lynn


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