
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Mummy - A Charmed Halloween Tutorial

Time for another tutorial in my "Charmed Halloween" series.


Supplies and Tools Needed:
1 small wood rectangle (about 3/4" x 1")
2 small plastic googly eyes 
scraps of muslin
coffee or tea (to stain the muslin)
24 gauge dark annealed steel wire
Brown ink pad (I used Staz-On)
Round-nose pliers
Flat-nose pliers
Wire cutters
Modge Podge
Paint brush
For tag: small shipping tag, desired images (I found mine at The Graphics Fairy)

1. Tear the muslin into several 1/4" - 3/8" wide strips. Immerse the strips into coffee or tea to stain them. Remove and rinse. Ball them up and let them dry naturally or use a blow dryer. (Wadding them into a ball will give them a crinkled effect). Once dry, separate the strands.

 2. Rub a light amount of the brown ink onto the eyeballs to slightly darken them.


3. Wrap wire lengthwise around the wood piece and finish at the top with a wrapped loop. (Find out how to make a wrapped loop here)

 4. Use the Modge Podge to adhere a muslin strip to the wood piece by wrapping it to cover the wood. Glue the eyes into place.


5. Loosely glue muslin strips in a messy fashion to cover the first layer of muslin leaving the eyes uncovered.

6. Apply a thick coat of Modge Podge to the muslin to protect it and keep it from fraying. Let dry.

7. Lightly sand the muslin to remove some of the sharpness of the stiffened fabric.

For the Tag: 

Remove the string from the mailing tag. Use Modge Podge to glue an image collage to one side of it. Let dry. Repeat for the other side. Once dried, rub with brown ink to age the images. Use the string to tie the charm onto the tag.

 Front of Tag

Back of Tag

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial.
Be sure to return in a couple of days for the next tutorial
in my "Charmed Halloween" series!

More tutorials from the Charmed Halloween series:

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Oh how fun is that??!! I love it! You are so very creative!

  2. So darned cute!!!
    <3 Christina at I Gotta Create!

  3. How incredibly clever and way ADORABLE!! I want one!! ;)

  4. These are very cute and your tutorial was perfect.

  5. This is too cute! I love the display tags too!

  6. SOOOO CUTE OMG I love him!!!


  7. What a cute charm! Those other tags are great too!

  8. I LOVE these tags you created. They're beautiful (in a spooky way of course)

  9. I haven't been on the computer much lately and have missed all of your spooky charms. How fun they are! You're always so creative! Are you going to post pictures of Edwina Scissorhands? I can't wait to see the costume.

  10. Oh how cute! Love the mummy charm and your hang tags. So cute!!!

    Sharing (-;

  11. Found your link on the Ingenious Inkling blog. Cute little mummy charm! Thanks for the tutorial. All of your tags are terrific. :)


I look forward to reading what you have to say. Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment!

Have a great day!