
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Golden Dreams - step 7 - JA project for July

This summer is going by so fast...July has just about passed me up but I was determined not to let it go by without completing step 7 of my jewel-aholic anonymous challenge. If you missed my original JA 12-step program post with a challenge to myself, you can find it here.

When I think of July I can't help but be reminded of American patriotism. Independence day celebrations have past but we still have some pride as a country to celebrate with the Olympics going on.

So in honor of America and the Olympics
I chose to make this piece for my July JA project.

I sorted through my stash of jewels for quite awhile not sure of
what I wanted to make until I found this medallion and pin.

I used a fine tip marker to outline where the pin would be on the medallion and then quickly placed my lettering. I wasn't worried about making the lettering perfect since it was just a reference point.

 I used metal stamps to emboss the words "GOLDEN DREAMS" and added five dots at the top to tie in with the five Olympic rings.

I filled in the lettering with black pen. Some of the gold finish flaked off the medallion when I stamped the letters so I applied a little gold paint - not to completely cover - I wanted to keep an aged look. The gold also aged the black on the lettering which I liked. I let it dry and then applied Renaissance wax to protect the finish. I also drilled a hole so the pin would fit flush against the medallion.

Finally, I cut the back off the pin and glued it into place.

Now I have my own personal gold metal! Not to award myself for anything but to remind myself that my dreams can turn
into golden opportunities if I just follow them!

Below is where you can check out my previous
JA (Jewel-aholics Anonymous) projects.
January - "Snowflake"
February - "Tin Heart"
March - "Good Luck Wishes"
June - "It's Heating Up!"
Bonus Project - "Masquerade Mask"

Thanks for stopping by!



  1. Love this project, very fitting for the Olympics!

    Take care, Estelle xx

  2. Awesome pin; a real collector's item too!

    I love your 12 step program idea for using up materials. I am completely addicted to, I mean in love with, beads. I have more beads than some bead shops. I really don't need to go to Bead Fest twice a year, but I do!

    Susan's sight is great, thanks for sharing!

  3. Such a great way to showcase the pin...LOVE the stamping!

  4. I really wanted to go to the olympics. Instead I have been enjoying on TV. I love that you made a piece of Olympic jewelry!


I look forward to reading what you have to say. Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment!

Have a great day!