
Friday, December 9, 2011

Add Life to a Garland or Tree with Fresh Flowers

I like to add a little life to my artificial stairway garland with fresh flowers.

In the past, I've done this by putting individual stems into water tubes and tucking them among the branches. This year I found some clear plastic balls at the craft store
and decided to use them to hold the flowers.

The balls hold much more water than a water tube (less maintenance)
and I love the way they glow when the garland is lit.

I was worried that the water would make the ornaments too heavy to just wire them as is to the branches (the metal caps tend to pull off very easily).
So I adapted them to be more secure.

I cut off the metal prongs.

I removed the cap, flattened some of the tongs so that I could slide it
into a hole punch and then punched a hole in the center.


I used E6000 to glue the cap back onto the ball and let it dry overnight.

I wrapped a wire around the neck of the ball.

I wired the ball to the stairway garland.

I used a turkey injector (without the needle) to fill the ball with water.

I inserted a couple of flower stems and then
surrounded it with some red glass balls for more color.

You could also use these fresh floral ball ornaments to liven up a Christmas tree!


  1. Double-duty and much cuter than those little floral vials...

    What a great idea! Thanks for sharing...

  2. Another great application of this idea! Way to go!!!!

  3. Absolutely beautiful, this is something to store away until the children are older! x

  4. Another great idea! I'll bet your whole house looks gorgeous all decorated for Christmas!

  5. Love this idea Kathy!! and it looks soooo beautiful!!Hugs and Merry Merry Christmas!!Cat

  6. This is really a lovely idea! And I love how the ornaments glisten in the lights, too!

  7. Truely beautiful. Thanks for the idea.

  8. You are just the mother of all creative thingies... can I move in to learn from you???

  9. Great idea Kathy. You and I share a love for flowers. Hope your holiday was filled with joy-filled moments with your family. Wishing you a very happy new year.


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