
Monday, October 24, 2011

Geometry - part two of a Girl and her SHOES series!!

Welcome to part two of  "a Girl and her SHOES" series. If you missed the original post, you may want to check it out here to see what inspired this series.

I'm calling these two designs Geometry because the leather shapes
of the shoes that I re-purposed them from reminded me of a trapezoid.
That's about all I remember from my geometry class all those many years ago!

The shoes. Very cute but not my size.

Turquoise Geometry

Turquoise  Geometry was inspired by a vintage earring that had belonged to my grandmother. I think it looks beautiful against the chocolate brown leather.

All that was needed to complete this designs was the addition of a few
rough cut turquoise nuggets, a copper chain and a handmade hook clasp.

 Golden Geometry

Golden Geometry was super fast and easy to make. I already had this beaded chain in my stash pile. It's okay but a little boring for my taste so I decided to dress it up with a leather pendant. I just attached the leather pendant to one of the oval links of the chain. It still needed a little more so I removed a few beaded links from the necklace and attached
them as dangles from the pendant. It doesn't get any easier than that!

I hope you'll return for part three of  "a Girl and her SHOES" series!

Featured at The Artsy Girl Connection


  1. Both of these are fantastic! I love the shoes and would've hate to cut them up, but hey, as the saying goes, "If the shoe wait, if the shoe doesn't fit, give it to Kathy so she can make something wonderful!"

  2. Just read the last post, too! You are so creative and original!

  3. Wow, you are amazing! I absolutely LOVE that last necklace. They are all beautiful pieces! You are one talented gal! Great job!

  4. So beautiful and unique.. Love it :)) Would LOVE for you to share it at my Pin'Inspirational Thursday linky party if you dont mind pweeease :))-- TY,,

  5. I really liked the jewelry from shoes that's brilliant!

  6. Hello there.. I featured you as one of my favs from last week's party.. Please stop in and grab a button.. Hope you can link up again via today.. TY


I look forward to reading what you have to say. Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment!

Have a great day!